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When You Pray: Out of Duty or Out of Love?
Thursday, March 21, 2024
They love to pray...that they may be seen of men.
— Matthew 6:5
Having the right reason, the right motive, to pray, is important. Many pray in a religious manner just so they can say that they prayed. This makes them feel better about themselves and gives them a sense of satisfaction because they did their duty. You may even think that you are impressing God and others with your prayer life. “Look at me! I prayed two hours today!” But prayer is communication with a real Person. God is real, and He desires fellowship and an intimate relationship with you. He created you on His spiritual level so you could relate to Him and love Him, and true love of and for God should be your motive for anything done in the Kingdom. He loves you and desires to spend time with you. Give God a chance! Come to Him, expecting to hear and receive from Him. Prayer is not a ritual or a duty, it is the privilege of fellowship with the Father. It is a necessity! He is waiting for you.
When You Pray: Secure a Place and Set a Consistency
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
When thou prayest, enter into thy closet.
— Matthew 6:6
Find a special place where you consistently meet with God--a spare room, a back porch, even a closet. Set aside a specific place that you designate as a meeting place. Jesus had a mountain, Moses had a mountain, you need “that place.” Soon the presence of God will start to come quickly and strongly as your faith grows in your secret place. Others will be able to feel the presence of God when they enter that place. You will develop a habit of meeting with Him at a special time, in a special place, with an expectation to hear and receive from Him. After you discipline yourself to pray for a couple of weeks, it will no longer be a struggle to pray, but something you look forward to doing. Consistency in your prayer life will cause it to become a desire in your daily life, and a sense of missing something important when you do not partake. God is calling His people into closer fellowship with Him. Take the time! Find a place! Be consistent! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
When You Pray: Undivided Attention
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Shut the door.
— Matthew 6:6
Atmosphere is a major key to a strong prayer life. You cannot get intimate with God or anyone else if there are constant interruptions during your fellowship time. Phones ringing, neighbors talking, or TV’s blaring will not allow you to get alone with Him. Shut the door! Pick a time and a place when and where all is quiet. Early in the morning is a time of little distractions. Quiet your mind from worldly thoughts by reading the Word, quoting scriptures, or meditating on the Word while praying in tongues. Fervent prayer needs to involve your spirit, soul, and body. If you are tired and falling asleep, walk while you pray. Lazy? Kneel down and pray! Do whatever it takes to condition your body to come in line with prayer. Let others in your household know, “I pray from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m.-–do not disturb!” Shut the door on distractions and give God and His Word your undivided attention. Keep your time and place open to God and closed to the world.
When You Pray: Your Father Awaits
Monday, March 18, 2024
Pray to your Father.
— Matthew 6:6
You come to prayer, not as a servant, not as a slave, but as a son of God. This means you can come to the Father with confidence and security. Trust Him as a Father! Talk to Him like you would a caring Father! Don’t beg and plead with Him like you don’t belong. He desires the best for you, to lead you, to show you, to speak to you. He needs you to get His work accomplished in the earth. He wants to strengthen you, to comfort you, even to correct you. He is a loving Father who wants to fulfill your every desire. Listen for Him to speak to you in your spirit. Write down what He says, so you can go over it time after time. Let Him impart to you the spiritual energy you need for the day! Others will start to see the change in your life from the time spent with your Father. Do you want to live in victory? Deliver bound people? Preach the Word with fire? Change the world? It all starts when you pray – with a motive of love, in your secret place, after you shut the door, and have spent time with your Father! Successful Christians do daily what other Christians do occasionally! You choose, today!
Prayer: The Church's Call
Friday, March 15, 2024
My house shall be called the house of prayer.
— Matthew 21:13
We have discovered that we, as individuals and collectively, are the house of God, God’s dwelling place. Notice that Jesus gave the house a name or a title. He called it “the house of prayer.” Many churches are built on gimmicks, on buildings, on social events, on children’s ministries. But a true house of God is a house of prayer! A praying church is only made up of praying members. True members of a church not only attend, tithe, and support – but they pray! Prayer or communication with God is what you were created for! If you are not a pray-er, one who consistently, daily spends quality time with God, you are failing to fulfill your purpose in God. Set aside a time starting today – even if it’s only 15 minutes – and spend time talking and listening to God. In a matter of weeks, it will change your life!