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Prayer: The Alternative to Worry
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer...
— Philippians 4:6a
God gives us a choice in this life: worry, be troubled, be distressed, or pray! He says worry about nothing! Why? You have a prayer connection with God. You have been given the ability to go to God – in every thing, by prayer. How can you tell if someone is truly acting as the house of God, or if they are committed to prayer? They very seldom worry about things. If you find yourself worried about things, your answer is prayer. Trouble in your marriage, worried about children or lack of money, attacked with symptoms? Pray! Get God involved in your situations and circumstances. You’ve tried it without prayer – how did it go? Pray in everything and get worry out of your life. Ask and you shall receive, seek, and you will find, knock, and doors will open – through prayer.
Prayer: How?
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Praying always...
— Ephesians 6:18
If Paul were writing today he would probably write, “at least pray sometimes.” It is a fact that most of the Body of Christ does not have a consistent, organized prayer time! The day of entertainment and distractions has set in. TV, DVD’s, video games, sports, two jobs, the Internet, iPad’s, iPhones, (name your own), have left us no time to do what we were created to do: fellowship with God in prayer. You may have heard sermons on prayer, may have books on prayer, CD’s or downloads on prayer, and know in your heart that prayer would help your life – but if you do not take the time to pray, you will get no results. You cannot pray 20 minutes a week, worry the rest of the time, and grow up spiritually. If you are not praying, you are missing out. Grumbling? Complaining? Critical? All a result of lack of prayer. Make the time to pray. Set it as a priority and arrange the rest of your day around it. Become a pray-er today and watch your life change.
Prayer: When?
Monday, March 11, 2024
And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
— Mark 1:35
Any time is a good time to set aside a time for prayer, but most men of God, and Jesus Himself, arose in the morning. Why rise and pray in the morning? Because it is before day. Prayer time will get you ready, prepare you, for the day ahead. I found if I did not take time to pray “before day” I spent a lot of time repenting “after day.” Go to God first in your day! Get your instructions and commission for the day ahead. Build yourself up by praying in the Holy Ghost. Let the Spirit of God show you things to come in the day ahead. Start out small – 15 to 30 minutes – and let your prayer life grow! Read and meditate on the precious promises about you – change is certain!
Prayer: Where?
Friday, March 8, 2024
...and departed into a solitary place.
— Mark 1:35
Church prayer meetings are great, and calling a brother or sister to agree with you in prayer is powerful, but you must also depart to a solitary place. You must make time for just you and your Father to grow in your relationship together. Even in your marriage, between your job and children and worldly affairs, it is essential to get alone with your spouse. Find yourself a solitary time and place to pray. Set aside a place, a room, a closet, the back porch – wherever you can get alone with God. A place where no distractions can get to you – where you are safe to be alone with Him. If Jesus needed to depart and go to a solitary place, how much more do you, today?
The Power: The Great Discovery
Thursday, March 7, 2024
And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe... — Ephesians 1:19a
God has given to the Christian not just power, but exceedingly great power! This power is His ability, His provision, His miracle-working supernatural power, given to the Church. Yet we see very little power in operation beyond natural human power in people’s lives. Paul is praying here not so you would get the power, but that you would get a revelation and understanding of the power you already possess! The availability of and potential for electricity to light up every home was always there for mankind, but not until a man named Thomas Edison discovered and learned to harness that power in a single lightbulb did mankind's standard of living profit from it. Now is the time for the Church to discover and harness the “exceeding great” power which is available to it! It is to us-ward who believe!