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Righteous Prayer: A Righteous One's Prayer
Thursday, March 28, 2024
The effectual fervent [unceasing, confident] prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
— James 5:16b [italics mine--Pastor Tom]
The prayer of a person who has been made right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with. Righteousness gives you the legal right to declare, proclaim, and receive the promises of God. A man who is righteous and knows it will not tolerate or settle for less than what legally belongs to him. He knows that he has a right to health, a right to wealth, and right to a life of power and victory because of the Blood of Christ. His prayer dominates natural laws; his prayer opens the door to the miraculous of God. There is power available to a person who has been made righteous toward God. Out of righteousness comes a confidence and a boldness to rule the forces of darkness. The best news yet is that you are that confident, bold, righteous man whose prayer packs power.
Righteous Prayer: Pray As One Reconciled
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ.
— 2 Corinthians 5:18a
Adam at one time had sweet fellowship and relationship with God. He walked and lived in God’s presence. He heard God’s voice and communicated with God on a daily basis. But when Adam sinned, fear, guilt, and condemnation came into his life and separated him from God. Because of fear, he hid from the presence of God and no longer had that sweet fellowship he once enjoyed. He tried to restore that relationship with a fig leaf, but there wasn’t anything he or anyone else could do to repair his relationship and erase his mistake. So God came in Christ, “reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing (or holding) their trespasses unto (against) them” (Italics mine – Pastor Tom) (2 Cor. 5:19a). God personally came in the person of Christ to once again restore fellowship between God and man! God is holding absolutely nothing against you today. He has removed sin, guilt, and the sense of inferiority between you and Himself. Once again you can go to Him, spend time with Him, hear His voice and live in His presence! You have been reconciled to God by Christ Jesus.
Righteous Prayer: Pray As One Delivered
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
…that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
— Luke 1:74, 75
Glory to God! Jesus came not only to give you a ticket to heaven, but also to deliver you from fear, so that you can live before Him, in His Presence, in His glory, standing holy and righteous, all the days of your life! There isn’t anything keeping you from a wonderful relationship with God other than your own thought life. You have been created holy and have been reconciled to God...He is no longer holding your sin against can go before Him every day of your life. He paid the price! Fellowship is His idea! Your holiness and righteousness was His plan. Come out of the fig-leaf mentality, come out from behind the bush of fear, and take your place as The Righteous of God. Serve Him in power, in confidence, in boldness, before Him, all the days of your life.
Righteous Prayer: Pray with Power!
Monday, March 25, 2024
As though God did beseech you [plead with you] by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
— 2 Corinthians 5:20 [italics mine--Pastor Tom]
It’s over! It’s done! God has reconciled you to Himself, became sin so you could be made righteous, delivered you from fear and guilt, and made you holy before Himself. He has done all He can do for you, so He is beseeching you! He is pleading with you! Be reconciled to Him! Stop calling yourself unworthy. Stop thinking of yourself as a sinner or a failure. Accept what He did for you and come into fellowship with Him. He longs for and desires a garden experience with you. Renew your mind to His Word and His promises. Believe in the price that He paid-–He was made sin with your sin, so you could be made righteous with His righteousness. Why not pray? Why not take your place in God? Your prayers pack power! Your prayers move mountains! Your prayers shake hell! The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much! You are that righteous man – your prayers do make a difference!
When You Pray: Make Time to Pray
Friday, March 22, 2024
And when thou prayest...
— Matthew 6:5
Jesus is talking to His disciples about prayer, or communicating with the Father. He did not say “if” you pray, He said “when” you pray. Jesus believed that every day we are to spend time in fellowship with the Father, so He was explaining to His disciples how to do it. Prayer is a privilege given to you so you can have fellowship, relationship, and partnership with Almighty God. It is the most important daily activity you can do, because that’s how you can receive direction and recharge your spiritual battery. Start to put aside a period of time each day to talk and listen to God. Little by little, it will grow into a conscious awareness of God throughout your day. You will find yourself in direct, constant communication with God at home, at school, on the job, in the store, in the car–-wherever you are. Soon the decisions you make will be good ones, the daily choices you make will be the right ones. The Spirit’s voice and the Word of God will become your answer in every situation, and victorious living will be the result.