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Your Inheritance: Do You Know What Belongs To You?
Thursday, April 4, 2024
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
— Ephesians 2:10
You were created in Christ Jesus. You have been made a “new creation,” a new spiritual being (2 Cor. 5:17)! You are God’s handiwork, you are God’s creation. This new creation now has received an inheritance of many things in Christ Jesus. These are benefits that are not earned, but given to you freely in your new birth. In the natural, people will get into long, legal battles and fall out with each other over an inheritance that is left to them. They want to get everything that belongs to them in the will. Yet most Christians do not know or even care about the spiritual inheritance that belongs to them. Many do not even take time to read the will to see what is theirs. The Word of God is full of your spiritual inheritance, and awards you all you need to live a full and victorious life. Take time starting today to get in the will! See what God through Jesus’ blood has made you and given you. Do not let the enemy steal what legally belongs to you through your own ignorance of the will! You are God’s workmanship, created to receive the riches of that inheritance.
Your Inheritance: Positioned in the Will
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors...
— Read Romans 8:31-37
Due to your new birth, there was a position change in Christ. You are no longer a victim, a weak human being, but you are now more than a conqueror! You many not feel like a winner or look like a winner, but you have been made a conqueror in Christ. Notice, you are not trying to become a conqueror, struggling to become a conqueror, you are more than a conqueror! Where are you a conqueror? In the midst of trials, tribulations, troubles, persecutions, attacks of the enemy–-you are still more than a conqueror. This is your inheritance; this is your position because of Christ! If I am a conqueror, then I’m going to think like a conqueror, talk like a conqueror, and live like a conqueror! I am the head, not the tail, I'm above, not beneath, I rule and reign with Christ in victory. I’ll not let the devil or my old thoughts bring me down from the victorious position given me by inheritance. I am more than a conqueror in every situation! It is my right! It is my inheritance, and nothing will separate me from it! I have it in the will and testament! Troubles? Attacks? Situations? Lack? Symptoms? Nay, in all these, you are more than a conqueror.
Your Inheritance: Are You Living Beneath Your Inheritance?
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
— Luke 10:19
This word was given by Jesus to His disciples before they were born again, before they were anointed with the Spirit, before the devil was defeated. Yet today we see the believer, born of God, full of the Spirit, fighting a defeated devil and losing most of the time. We see Christians sick, poor, depressed, divorced, and defeated! Do we have power over the enemy? Should anything be hurting us? We have lived beneath our inheritance and privileges long enough. Someone has deceived us out of our inheritance, out of our rights in Christ. You have the power to walk on the devil and his demons. You have power over all the power of the enemy. Sickness and disease are no match for the new creation. This victory and position is part of your inheritance. Do not pray to become a new creation, do not pray to get power over the enemy, do not pray to become his workmanship, do not pray to become more than a conqueror–-this is who you are by inheritance. Take up your rights and start walking on situations and circumstances. Don’t let the devil fill your mind with weak and loser thoughts. Meditate instead on your inheritance in Christ. Nothing now can hurt you!
Your Inheritance: Believe In What's Yours!
Monday, April 1, 2024
The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
— John 14:12ba
What kind of works did Jesus do? Daily He met the works of the devil head-on, and daily He defeated the enemy and advanced the Kingdom of God. If we believe on Him, Jesus said, the same works would be available to us and even greater works! We are now, in this day and in this hour, moving into the greater-works realm. Jesus has gone to the Father and has poured out His Spirit upon all flesh. There is enough Spirit and power in the earth today to save and deliver every person. Someone needs to believe and trust in the power the Church now possesses. It has been prophesied by Jesus Himself that we shall do greater works, that we are created and ordained to walk in good works (Eph. 2:10). Only someone who has a revelation of being a new creation, being more than a conqueror, and having power over all the power of the enemy, will live in a realm of greater works. The devil has trembled at the thought of the day that the Church believes in its inheritance! His nightmare is manifesting today! We too will now start to advance the Kingdom of God and do the works we were created and empowered to do!
Righteous Prayer: Right Relationship with God
Friday, March 29, 2024
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
— 2 Corinthians 5:21
This is the greatest blessing that you received at the new birth. You were made or created the righteousness of God. Righteousness gives you a right place or right standing with God, a place and relationship where sin never existed, made right with God so that nothing stands between you and Almighty God. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, your relationship and fellowship have been restored with Almighty God and you have a legal right to once again come into His presence and live in His presence! No more guilt, no more condemnation, no more cringing fear of God, just sweet fellowship and relationship with Him. This is where prayer becomes rich and powerful, where prayer starts to change things around you. You are the righteousness of God in Christ.