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Your Sanctification: God's Will
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; — 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 4
Many people desire to know God’s will for their lives. They search and seek to find what God’s will is for them: Pastor? Teacher? Prophet? Music Minister? Usher? Helps Minister? But until you allow God to complete His immediate will in your life, you will not be able to fulfill your call. His desire: your sanctification, that you may possess your vessel in sanctification and honor. God desires that you live a sanctified life here on the earth. You are now a new creation, created after God in righteousness and true holiness (Eph. 4:24). Your spirit was instantly sanctified at the new birth, but now a process of sanctifying or separating your soul and body from the old to the new is taking place. The Word will separate you from wrong thinking to God-thinking, from wrong living to God-living, from wrong talking to God-talking, from natural results to God-results. Your destiny = to be wholly separated to God–-spirit, soul, and body. Notice that this is for everyone, not just a select few! God, through His Spirit and His Word, will teach you how to live in your body, right here on this earth, in separation unto the plans and purposes of God. You are sanctified, and you are being sanctified by the God of peace.
Your Sanctification: God's Instrument
Monday, January 13, 2025
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, — Ephesians 5:26
God is in the process of sanctifying His Church! How does He do it? With the Word. God uses His Word to sanctify your soul and body, to separate your soul from some things and to some things, to separate your body from some things and to some things. Since your new birth, have some things changed? Before the new birth, I desired to drink and curse and live like the devil. But after the new birth, my thoughts began to change and my desires began to change. All at once I wanted to go to church, wanted to read the Word, and desired to pray and to tithe. As I continued in the Word, my thoughts continued to change in a God-direction. If I stopped or got too busy, I found that my mind would slip back to the old way of thinking. You need to be washed in your soul by the Word on a daily basis. Just like you take a shower for your body once or twice a day, you need to wash your soul on the Word. If you stop showering in the natural, you will start to stink sooner or later. If you get out of the Word, your thinking will start to stink! If you have been born again for years and have seen little change–-check the spiritual soap you are using. Is it the Word of God or the word of religion or tradition? You cannot get clean by taking a bath in dirty water, so make sure what is being preached to you is the right type of cleaner–-the Word of God.
Your Sanctification: Transformation
Monday, January 6, 2025
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. — Acts 26:18
Here is a great example of your sanctification. Your (spirit) eyes will be opened, you will be turned from darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto the power of God. You will receive forgiveness of sins and you will receive an inheritance from God. How? By sanctification through faith in Him--Jesus! the Word! Can you be born again and live in darkness? Can you be sanctified in spirit and still live under the power of Satan? Can you be born again and live in guilt and condemnation? Can you be sanctified and not receive your inheritance from God? Unfortunately, yes. This is where many doctrines of devils have come from: "God 'might' heal, God 'might' bless, God helps 'some but not others.' God blesses 'some, not others.'" Jesus bought and paid for your inheritance; He has given you all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). But, because people do not choose to allow themselves to be sanctified and washed in the Word, they continue to live in darkness or ignorance. The answer to "Will God heal me?" is, will you allow the Word of God to sanctify you so you can receive healing? "Will God bless me?" Will you allow the Word to sanctify you so you can receive the blessings already provided? If your sanctification comes through the Word, then it is up to you how much you wash your soul with the Word. Allow the power of sanctification to take you from the old lifestyle to the new.
Your Sanctification: Your Act of Faith in His Word
Friday, January 3, 2025
To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. — Acts 26:18
Your sanctification is a turning of your thought-life from the old (natural) to the new (spiritual). It will take you from the power of Satan into the power of God. It will enable you to receive your inheritance from God, which will provide you with all you need in this life. If you are struggling in sickness, sanctification will change that. If there’s trouble in your marriage, sanctification of your soul will help that. The word “repent” means to change your attitude and your thoughts, to turn from one way of thinking and acting, to another. This is done by sanctification through faith in the Word. How are you sanctified? By faith in Him. Faith is to hear the Word and to act on the Word. As I hear the Word and act on the Word, I will be separated from Satan’s power into the power of God. Many people have spent their whole lives hearing and hearing, but have never acted on what they have heard. So because they see no change in their lives, they get frustrated and quit. But hearing the Word alone will not cause you to be sanctified–-hearing and acting on the Word will bring you light, power, and an inheritance. You can claim and confess sanctification all you want, but you will never become sanctified in your soul and body without hearing and acting on the Word. You can be born again and live unsanctified, in darkness, without power and with no inheritance–-just put your faith in something other than the Word.
God Is With You: Available Power
Thursday, January 2, 2025 preach the acceptable year of the Lord. — Luke 4:19
Jesus came into the synagogue to preach to a people who were bound, to a people who had been helpless against the devil and the curse. He came telling them of a new day–-a new year-–a new time–-the acceptable year of the Lord, or the Year of Jubilee. This was a set year and time when you no longer had to be poor, no longer had to have a broken heart. He preached, “Deliverance is now here! Sight to the blind is available! You can be free from any and all bondage.” Why? Because the Anointing had come. The Spirit of the Lord was now upon Jesus and the power of the Spirit was greater than the power of the curse. Many believe that when Jesus died that power also went away, but on Pentecost Day, that same Spirit, that same power, that same year was continued! We too are living in the Year of Jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord. Bondage no longer has a right to rule over mankind. Whatever problem you may have–-the anointing will fix it! The power is available to get you free. Just find your promise of deliverance in the Word and apply the Word and Spirit to it. Freedom is yours for the receiving today!