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The Anointing: It's Time to Demonstrate the Truth!
Monday, June 24, 2024
...he offered them money, saying, Give me also this power...
— Acts 8:15b-19
Simon was a man who was familiar with supernatural power. He had been a sorcerer for years, and had impressed all the people with his sorcery. He claimed to be some great one (verse 9), and all the people considered him the great power of God (v. 10). But when he saw the anointing and genuine power of God in demonstration through Philip, he repented and became born again. He desired to now have the true power of the Holy Ghost rather than the power of demons. He saw the miracles Philip was doing (vv. 6, 13), he saw unclean spirits crying with a loud voice and coming out, he saw people with the palsy and those that were lame being healed by the power of the Lord (v. 7). He witnessed the apostles laying hands on new converts and watched as they were filled with the Holy Ghost. There is in the heart of every human being the desire for supernatural power and spiritual things. You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body, so your greatest need and desire is spiritual. Simon was no different, but because he did not know the real power, he gravitated toward the false. The Church must start to understand and demonstrate the power of God. Young people are turning to the occult, alcohol, drugs, gangs, and a myriad of other things because they need something to fill that void in their hearts. That “something” is the Holy Ghost and power; it is a lifestyle of revival and communion with Almighty God. How can they desire it if they do not see it in operation? It is time for the demonstration of God!
The Fire: Living Fire
Friday, June 21, 2024
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. — John 10:10b
Jesus came to give mankind life. He came to revive dead spiritual beings, to make them alive and keep them alive so they would live alive. Not only did He come to give you life and revival, but He expected that revival life in you to grow into a more abundant life. You can be more alive today than you were yesterday. You can be more on-fire twenty years after being saved than you were on the day you were saved. Many talk about their wonderful salvation experience, how God touched them, and how they could feel His presence. But the initial “touch” was not a one-time experience; it was the start of a life of being “touched” every day by the power of God. As you learn to live in abundant life, you will start to co-labor with the living God who is in you. Soon the revival in you will start to spread to others around you. Everyone with whom you come in contact will not be safe from experiencing the presence and power of God! People will start to get saved, healed, and delivered just by getting too close to the fire that is “in you”! People who have dried out and are backslidden will see and desire the revival that they see in you: “I used to be on fire like you.” There is no reason to be “used to be” on fire. Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly. You are a revival-spreader!
The Fire: Put Up The Fire Wall
Thursday, June 20, 2024
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: — John 10:10a
There is someone who desires to steal your life, to put out your fire, to stop the revival in you. The devil and his demons are agents of death and destruction. In order to carry out their desire in your life, they must stop the revival in you. How do they do it? They come to steal it, to make you dead again, so your life will be destroyed. There are situations, circumstances, people, problems, that come at you daily to put your fire out! Discouragement, depression, lies of the devil all work to stop your revival fire. The enemy comes against your soul to put the fire out in your spirit or to keep it contained within your spirit. You can detect when something is taking life out of you; you can sense when you are headed in a wrong direction. You will feel sick or “zapped” on the inside. Change your thinking, hang up the phone, get away from that person, and rekindle the fire in you. You must not only learn to feed the revival in you but you must also learn to protect the fire that is in you. Stay around people hotter than you, people who will help keep you revived. The enemy will use lies and error to try to get you into strife and unbelief. Just go back to the Word and the Truth to feed your fire. Quote the Word, shout His praises, pray in tongues, and avoid the what and the who that bring death to your revival. The enemy hates life and will do all he can to stop it. The thief will come, but he does not have to steal from you!
The Fire: Fuel the Flame
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
— I Timothy 2:4
God is no respecter of persons. He desires that all, not some, be saved. We have always understood that Jesus came for all, suffered for all, died for all, and was raised for all. God’s will = that He quickens all men-–revives all men, gives life to all men. But notice, that is not the end of God’s will for man. God also wills that all men come into the knowledge of the truth. Why? Because it is truth that fuels the fire! It is truth that takes you beyond life into life more abundantly. It is truth that will take you from a flicker to an all-out fire. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you into all truth. He will take you into a deeper, more on-fire place with God through the Word, or the Truth. The Word and Truth are the logs on which your revival fire will burn. When you come into the knowledge of the truth, you will become more and more free. This allows the living God in you, the Spirit of God, to come out of your spirit and start to live in your soul and body. Where truth is, the Spirit of the Lord is allowed to be, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, or freedom. As revival spreads out of your spirit into your mind, will, and emotions, a new freedom will come into your life–-a new excitement, a new life, a new fire. Allow the Spirit of God to be the Spirit of the living God. Let His revival life spread into all parts of your being.
The Fire: Stir the Embers
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
— 2 Timothy 1:6
You have a responsibility as a born-again believer to stir up the gift, the life, the fire, that is in you. This is not God’s responsibility; it is yours. What is in you is a gift; it was freely imparted at the new birth. But now it needs stirring up. Just like a fire that starts to burn down and gets a white ash over the flame, you must continually knock the white ash off your life to keep burning bright. Little irritations, worries, cares, and fears must be dealt with by the Word and truth. Do not allow your soul to be drugged with the cares of the world, but meditate on God’s Word. Remember daily to stir up the gift of God in you. If the fire is important to you, you will give it attention. When you think you can live without the fire, you will let it go out. Be consistent on a daily basis! Continue to feed the fire daily. Continue to read the Word, pray in tongues, guard your heart with all diligence. Get to the altar of the church and allow the man of God to lay hands and impart more fire into your life. Stir up! Wake up! Arouse the gift, the revival, the fire that is in you! In that way, as you live your life, you will be in prime condition to co-labor with a living God. Your revival is important to you and to God!