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You Have the Power: It Belongs to You
Monday, July 1, 2024
But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:
— Acts 1:8a
The Holy Ghost did not come to enable and empower God, He came to enable and empower the believer. We have produced a mind-set of an up-in-heaven, far-away, inconsistent God Who may or may not show up. We see Him as a once-in-a-while God Who will come down and heal, deliver, and set free...whenever. We wonder why He chooses to heal one and not another. We sit around and think up new doctrines that will excuse God for His failures, and that will excuse Him from not helping people. But “you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you;” “you are the temple of the living God.” The Bible declares that these signs shall follow the believer: heal the sick, cast out devils, speak with tongues. It is the Church’s responsibility to heal, to cast out, to save the lost, to preach the gospel. We have declared “Oh, I don’t have any power, but I know Someone Who does.” “God has all the power to heal and deliver.” That is like a preacher saying, “I don’t have any sermons, but I know someone who does.” God has all the sermons? No! No! No! The same ability on a believer to preach the gospel is the same ability to heal and deliver others. Ye shall receive power! –-It is not my fault that I am anointed and full of power. It is not my fault that people shake, cry, laugh, fall down and get results when I lay hands on them. It is not my fault that fear and depression leave when I command them to go! Blame God. He has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness, and I have received power. So have you!
You Have the Power: Believe It and Act on It!
Friday, June 28, 2024
And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
— Luke 24:49
The disciples were told to wait, to tarry, until they received the promise of the Holy Ghost. Without the Holy Ghost they would just preach the gospel with no power to back them up. Jesus said to wait until they became endued, infused, and clothed with power from on high. Many Christians and churches are still tarrying to be endued, waiting and asking for God to send the promise from on high. But on Pentecost day, God sent His power, His Holy Spirit, upon all flesh. Peter declared “This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.” He did not say this is part of that, some of that, a portion of that, but this is that! God will never pour out His Spirit again, because He already has. There is no need to wait for power in your life if you have received the Holy Ghost; He has empowered you. It does not matter if you feel empowered, or look empowered; it only matters if you believe you have been empowered according to the Word of God. The Church continually prepares for a move of God, for an outpouring of God, to get ready. But it is no longer time to prepare for the power of God to come, it is time to learn to cooperate with the power of God we already have! You have been endued and infused with God’s supernatural power. We have received the promise of God. The waiting time is over. Go to the sick, the lost, the bound. Learn to release and cooperate with the power that you have. God is the One waiting and looking for a people who will believe and claim and use the ability He has given.
You Have the Power: God Is With Us
Thursday, June 27, 2024
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
— Acts 10:38
Jesus became empowered and equipped at the river Jordan when the Holy Ghost came upon Him like a dove. Until that time (30 years), Jesus had not healed one sick person nor opened one blind eye, had never walked on water or preached a sermon. But when He was anointed by God with the Holy Ghost and power, He immediately went about doing good. When you put faith in the power you have, it will cause you to go about doing good, healing all that are oppressed of the devil. That is why doctrines of demons have been injected into the Church: “Wait for the power!” “Wait for God to pour out His Spirit” “God has all the power” “The power is coming, soon, get ready” ...anything to keep you from the knowledge that you have the power. If he can keep you from believing that you have the power, you will sit about rather than go about! Those oppressed or under the dominion of the devil will stay oppressed because the Church is waiting on God to deliver them, or waiting for God to “send the power” so we can. We can! You have been anointed, rubbed and smeared, with the Holy Ghost and power. As the Father sent Jesus (anointed), He now sends us (anointed). We are anointed and empowered to do good and heal all, because God is with us. How is He with us? Through the indwelling and through the anointing. God hath anointed you–-so go about! Not without!
The Anointing: Understanding the Anointing
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
...and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.
— Luke 5:15-17
It is important to recognize and understand the power of the Lord, or the anointing, in this hour. The anointing is the power of God that removes yokes and destroys burdens from your life so that you can live free. It is the presence and power of God in manifestation. God is omnipresent, but He is not always allowed to display or manifest His power everywhere. There is a major difference between the omnipresence of God and the manifest presence of God. When the anointing and power is allowed to manifest, it is for a purpose: to heal, to deliver, to set free, to refresh. For years, the Church has been ignorant of the anointing and how it works, so bondage has been the order of the day in the Body of Christ. But just because we have failed to cash in on the power of God does not mean that it does not exist. Electricity was available to mankind since the beginning, but until Ben Franklin discovered it and how it could be put to use, man lived without it. As we discern the anointing and how to put this power to work, we will see people set free of demonic bondage. Where the Spirit of the Lord is-–there will be liberty! As we learn what God has made available to the Church-–“the power of the Lord”–-and how it works, we will begin to get God’s results.
The Anointing: Are You Aware of the Power?
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by...
— Luke 5:17a
Jesus found Himself in a house teaching the Word of God, but surrounded by Pharisees and doctors of the law. They were the most religious, critical, judgmental, and self-righteous people of that day, who came mostly to try to catch Jesus saying something wrong. In the midst of these people and in a legalistic atmosphere, “the power of the Lord was present to heal...” (Luke 5:17b). It is evident that Jesus, in the midst of this atmosphere, brought and carried revival into the place. The anointing was so strong on Him that revival was ready to break out in a place full of people who were not even interested in the power of God! He was not at Treasure Coast Victory Center with a group of people who are hungry and excited about God’s power and revival in the midst of a praise and worship service, but among a dry and hard group of people. He carried the power of the Lord with Him! You, too, have the power and presence of God on your life. The Holy Spirit has taken up residence in you and on you. You have the ability to manifest the power of God at home, on the job, in the midst of a dry and religious area. As you give the anointing first place--the priority--in your thought life, your awareness of it in your life will make a way for it to manifest. The power of the Lord is present wherever you are present.