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Emmanuel: You Are God's House
Monday, July 29, 2024
In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
— Ephesians 2:22
God reveals His plan and purpose for mankind in this verse. He desires for us to be a habitation, a dwelling place or house, for His Spirit and presence. He does not want to visit you periodically or on Sundays at church, but desires for you to understand: you are the habitation of God. Almighty God is with you and in you all the time. Every minute of every day, there needs to be a God-consciousness in your thought-life. What a privilege and honor for God to take up residence–-in you! If God is for you, and with you, and in you – who can be against you? You are the House of God!
Emmanuel: You Are Not Alone
Friday, July 26, 2024
I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
— Daniel 3:25
The three men in the fiery furnace were not alone. Although they were going through persecution and hard times, they were not in it alone. No matter what your situation may be today-–in a fiery furnace, lion’s den, bad marriage, attacked by sickness and disease, heading toward bankruptcy-–you have help and the answer with you and in you. Stay focused on His presence and His indwelling. Expect to receive wisdom and knowledge from the Spirit within and with you. Do not get distracted by the fire, no matter how hot it gets. You have the best protection and insurance policy you can get–-the Son of God in you and with you. Your result: you will come through unhurt and not even smelling like smoke! You are the House of God!
Emmanuel: No Reason To Fear
Thursday, July 25, 2024
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee....Fear not: for I am with thee!
— Isaiah 43:2, 5a
There is no need to worry, no need to fear; Someone has come to live in your house. Almighty God has taken up residence in you to make sure nothing by any means will harm you. There is not enough water or fire to shake a life which is God-inside-minded. If you have slipped into worry or fear, it is because you forgot who you are and you forgot where He lives! You are God’s habitation, God’s dwelling place-–what water, fire, or situation would dare challenge you? Storms and winds will arise, but the “peace, be still” power resides in you. You were created and indwelt to “pass through the situation,” not go around or get stuck in it! Fear not–-you are the house of God. Fear not–-God is your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Therefore I will not fear! I am the House of God!
Emmanuel: God With and In You
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
They shall call His name Emmanuel...God with us.
— Matthew 1:23
Even before your birth, God was already revealing His plan to mankind. His very name “Emmanuel” told the people God would now come to be with them. He no longer, nor did He ever, desire to be a far-away, distant God. He created man for a close relationship, but Adam broke that fellowship. God declares “I will come to mankind again–-in the flesh, to be with them and restore fellowship again.” Jesus was God in the flesh. It was God in Christ Who enabled Him to live in victory and destroy the works of the devil (2 Cor. 5:19). Today, it is Christ in you, the Spirit of God in you, so you, too, can live in victory and destroy the works of the devil! There is no need to call Him long distance when He has come to dwell in you. Emmanuel now resides in you. God is truly with us–-we are the House of God!
Emmanuel: God's Promise To You
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee! The Lord is my helper...I will not fear!
— Hebrews 13:5b, 6b
We have heard many promises from friends, co-workers, and even our brothers and sisters in Christ. Whether they kept those promises or not is another thing. Here Someone gives you a promise that will be kept forever! God will never leave you nor forsake you. There may be times when it feels like He left, or times He would have a right to leave, but He said it and can never take it back. Where can you go to get away from His presence? To heaven? To hell? To the uttermost parts of the sea? In the darkness? He shall be even there to lead you and hold you (Psalm 139)! His presence is only a thought away! Meditate on His closeness to you. Think about His dwelling in you! Believe His promise to you. He will never leave you! You are the House of God.