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Bold Prayer: How God Sees You
Monday, August 5, 2024
Having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight.
– Ephesians 1:20a, 22b
Through the sacrifice of Jesus, Father God once again restored peace between mankind and God by the Blood. You have been reconciled to Him and you now stand before Him holy and unblameable and unreprovable. What a basis for a relationship with God! What a possibility for closeness with Him! You have been recreated holy, righteous, and justified-–by the Blood, not by your works. Your efforts and behavior have nothing to do with your present place with God! He shed the Blood, He reconciled, He now presents you to Himself righteous and holy. Others may look at your faults, you may constantly look at your failures, but in His sight you are holy, blameless, and unreproveable. Begin to put some faith in the Blood. Begin to believe in who He has made you in Christ. Do not settle for a distant relationship with Him, but come as one who belongs in His presence. You are reconciled to Him by the Blood!
Bold Prayer: Believe Who You Are
Friday, August 2, 2024
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
– Ephesians 4:24
This is what happened the very second you received salvation and got born again-–you were created in righteousness and true holiness. Notice, you were not created to become righteous and holy, but you were created in righteousness and holiness. That is who you are; that is your position with Him. You have a right place and a holy place with Him. But you must “put on the new man.” You put him on in your thought life and in your imagination. How you see yourself will determine your walk and relationship with God. If you believe you are still a sinner, you will walk like a sinner and live distant from God. If you believe you are unholy, you will live an unholy life-–and not only that, but you will also strive and struggle to become a righteous and holy person through your own efforts! Your own efforts can never produce righteousness and holiness, only failure. Stop trying to become and just believe you are-–by the Blood. Put on the new man, the righteous man, the holy man, the unblameable and unreproveable man, the reconciled man. Believe in what the Blood has freely provided for you!
Bold Prayer: Your Righteous and Holy Standing Before God
Thursday, August 1, 2024
He hath chosen us in him...holy and without blame before him in love...[adopted as] children...and accepted in the beloved.
– Ephesians 1:4-6
According to the pleasure of His will, your have been chosen by God. Before the foundation of the world, you were chosen to be before God, in His presence, to live holy, without blame, accepted in the Beloved as part of the family of God. This was God’s desire, God’s plan, and was accomplished by God’s provision! God’s will for you is a close, intimate relationship with Him, a righteous and holy standing before God. What Adam lost in the garden, God restored on the cross! You are a child of the living God. Guilt-free! Condemnation-free! With a legal right to come boldly into His presence. You are no longer a stranger or foreigner to God, but a fellow-citizen and a member of the household of God (Eph. 2:19). Stop begging and pleading for the things of God as if they do not belong to you. Stop trying to convince God to do for you what He has already provided for and desires for you to have! Come holy, come righteous, come unblameable, come chosen, come accepted–-before Him, in love, and obtain all the mercy and find all the grace you need. He is waiting daily to make all blessings for you alive to you! You have no excuse! Come boldly!
The Anointing: The Difference
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him.
...And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him though all the region round about.
– Luke 3:22a, 4:14
Jesus of Nazareth stood apart from the rest of the world. He lived in victory and did great works among the people. What set Him apart? What made Him so different that crowds of people would hunt him down? God had anointed Him! For 30 years He lived as a carpenter's son, the son of Mary, with brothers and sisters. But then one day in the river Jordan, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him. It is the anointing that made the difference in His life. It is the anointing that will make the difference in your life. God has anointed you to live above the ordinary.
The Power: The Exceedingly Great Power In You
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 to do...above all that we ask or think... -– Ephesians 3:20
Notice that God’s power in you, and even God’s ability, are limited to your thoughts and your asking. To think of yourself as weak, helpless, or powerless will cut you off from Almighty God’s power in you. Many ask, “Why doesn’t God do this? Why doesn’t God do that?” If you can think it and ask it, the power in you is more than enough to bring it to pass! Little thinking and little asking has left the Church with little power and little God-activity. Let the Word of God expand your thought-life; allow it to develop a prayer life in you to think and ask big things. God is not holding back on you; you are thinking your way out of all He wants you to have. Turn off the radio, shut down the TV, let the Word become a reality to you by meditation and prayer. All things are possible for you! He desires that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 2). You will never out-think the ability and power that is in you. It is exceedingly great power and it is to you!