Shop > #04 - The Anointing 6-CD Series

#04 - The Anointing 6-CD Series

The Church doesn't lack power; it lacks a revelation of the power it already has in the Spirit of God. The anointing makes the difference between words simply spoken and a sharp sword that pierces the heart; between empty, useless hands and oil-filled ones dripping with power; between a life simply lived and the flow of a Life poured out through you. In this series, - discover what the anointing is from Old Testament types and shadows; - go beyond what's naturally possible, by the Spirit; - recognize what Christ's resurrection means for the devil and for you; - draw from the well within you and overflow with the Spirit upon you; - stay connected with the Source of power by studying Jesus in action, and then - begin to operate in the Gift and giftings of God!

Unit Price: $35.00