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God and Healing: God Is Not The Author of The Curse
Thursday, February 6, 2025 one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
— Romans 5:12
How did sin and sickness and the curse enter into the world? Did God desire that man be under the curse? If so, He could have said “Let Us make man cursed, sick, and diseased.” Did God punish man with the curse? No! Sin and the curse entered the world by one man’s sin, Adam’s! God told Adam how to stay away from sin and the curse-–“Do not eat...” By one man sin entered into the world, and that sin gave way to the curse. That sin and the curse passed upon all men because of Adam’s sin (read Romans 5:12 again). How did depression, sickness, sin, and poverty get into the world? By one man who sinned! People have been wrongly taught that God will curse them or put sickness on them, but those are not God’s choices for man. The curse is here, in this world, and you will choose to live under it or free of it! Christ came not to curse you, but to redeem you from the curse, to offer you a protection plan so you could live in the blessing. What kind of God would desire to curse you and redeem you at the same time? Spiritual death came because of Adam, and it now rules and reigns over mankind (Rom. 5:17). God created man to rule and reign, not to be ruled and reigned over! The curse did not enter because of God’s anger toward man, but because of man’s disobedience toward God. But in love, God gave us Christ, Who has redeemed us from the curse!
God and Healing: God's Protection Plan
Monday, February 3, 2025
If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight...I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee. — Exodus 15:26
God is not two-faced, double-minded, or schizophrenic. He does not put sickness on you and then heal you, only to put sickness on you again. The real meaning here in this verse is that God will “not allow” disease on you. God has no choice, because spiritual death and the curse entered the world through Adam. They reign over mankind. Satan has a legal right over man. God’s people have been under sin, sickness, and the curse. So God offers them a protection plan, a hiding place from the curse. Notice: God says, “If you diligently hearken to My voice, if you do what is right in My sight, if you give ear to My commandments, I will be able to protect you! I will not allow the curse to come on you.” God is not saying, “Do this, and do that, or I’ll put sickness on you.” He is saying “sin and the curse are in the world with a right to come on you, but if you hear the Word and do it, I will be able to override spiritual death, override sickness and disease! If you do this, I will legally be able to keep you sickness-free! Know this: ‘I am the Lord that healeth thee!’ I’m not the One Who is making you sick, I am the Healer!” We have been taught He is the One Who makes us sick to teach us, makes us sick to keep us humble, makes us sick to punish us–-but He said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” I believe we ought to believe who He says He is-–He is our Healing.
God and Healing: Choose Life
Friday, January 31, 2025
...I will put [allow] none of these diseases upon thee.... — Exodus 15:26b
God is offering His people a protection plan, an insurance policy, an umbrella, that will keep the curse from falling on them. He has no union with sin, with spiritual death, or with sickness and disease. He is the Lord Who heals you. People will say “God didn’t put sickness on me, but He allowed it!” God will allow you to rob a bank, commit sin, backslide, and not shower and stink, if you allow it! God is not the only spiritual force in your life; there are angels and demons that exist. You have a free will to operate in faith or fear, joy or sorrow, worry or peace. You have a free will to choose! God tells you to choose His Word, choose His voice, choose life and blessing. But you can also choose the devil’s word, his voice, death and the curse. You must choose, just like Adam, where you will eat! Will it be blessing or curse? People are not destroyed because God is punishing them, but because of a lack of knowledge. God sent you the Holy Ghost so you could be led into all truth and be free! The truth is that God created you healed, wants you healed, and is your Healer. He will allow sickness if you choose it; He has no choice. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made [you] free.” “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” “Neither give place to the devil” in your life. Trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy! You choose to be blessed!
Healing: Where Do You Place Your Trust?
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. — Proverbs 3:5
We are moving into a time when trusting God with all your heart will become absolutely necessary. As sin in this world continues to abound, so will sickness, disease, and the curse. Although doctors and scientists have done an exceptional job when it comes to discovering and treating and looking to cure disease up until this present time, the day is here when disease will overtake natural knowledge and natural treatment. As a believer, you are going to have to start to trust in the Healer for your health. You must learn to believe the Word of God as it is written and allow the power of that Word to keep you free from the curse of the law. The doctors may run out of answers, the medicine may not have enough power to overcome sickness, but you have a God Who has all the answers and is more powerful than any AIDS, cancer, or terminal disease! Start to build your healing shield today! Get in the Word of God to see God’s way of living in health. Don’t wait until you are attacked with disease, but start to prepare for the battle before the battle. Use the Word on that headache. Speak to that back pain. Use the spiritual weapon God has given you to live a redeemed life! Stop trusting everything and everyone else but God!
Healing: How Much Did It Cost?
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
— I Corinthians 6:20
Notice: you were bought with a price! Not “prices,” but one price paid for your spirit and your body. The whole Body of Christ believes that Jesus went to the cross and paid the price for each one’s sins. His Blood was shed, and His death defeated sin in your life and set you free from your old sins and old sin nature. We rejoice in the new birth that was made available so we could be made new creatures in Christ! We sing songs about the Blood washing away our sins, about Jesus as our wonderful Savior, saving us from the pit of Hell, and about the miracle of salvation. But not only was the Blood shed for your spirit, not only did Jesus save you from Hell, but He also, at the same time, paid for the healing of your body! You were bought with a price – one price paid for all! People only sin and go to Hell because they do not know Jesus paid the price for their salvation. People only live sick because they do not know Jesus paid the price for their healing. One cross, one death, one price paid for you (a spirit) and your body! You are no longer your own--you have been bought with a price! Just as the new birth is yours, so is divine health yours! You do not need to be saved again–-you do not need to be healed again! The price has been paid!