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Obey His Voice: Don't Forfeit Your Supernatural Result!
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
And they…filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.
— Luke 5:7
Because of Peter’s half-obedience to the command of Jesus, because he knew more than Jesus about fishing, because he "knew" he was not going to catch any fish based on his experience, Peter almost lost his boat, his partner’s boat, and the giant catch of fish. How many times have we failed to obey God’s Word and then did not get the promise for which we had been believing? What God intended for a great blessing, what God intended to be the harvest of Peter’s lending his boat for the gospel’s sake, almost turned to disaster! Peter knew he had missed it. He knew he had partly obeyed. So he repented for his disobedience. So many times in your Christian life, you miss your miracle because of some small blockage in your life. That one person you need to forgive, that one person you need to bless, that one decision you need to make to pray and read the Word…whatever He is telling you to do–-do it! If He says build an ark–-build it! If He says, come out on the water–-go! If He says, let down your nets, let them down! Obedience to His Word and His voice will start a miracle in your life! Your miracle is just one “yes” away. Today if you hear His voice, harden not your heart.
The Spirit Is In You: Today and Every Day
Monday, July 15, 2024
Repent...and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
— Acts 2:38
There are many reasons that God sent Jesus to die for us. Most of the Church’s teaching on that event centers on the fact that we can be saved and go to heaven. We have sung songs about heaven and expressed our desire in prayer to get off this crummy earth, go to streets of gold and mansions made for us, and to live in God’s presence. All this is true and brings a good hope for the believer, but in this verse Peter gives a main reason to repent: so you can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost is the main reason for Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. His presence in your life will turn this crummy earth into a place of power, ministry, and His presence. You do not have to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord. You can live in God’s presence today through the person of the Holy Ghost. You are then expected to pass Him down to your children and to all who are afar off (v. 39). The Holy Ghost is your key to a joyful, peaceful, fulfilled life here on earth. You must understand that the reason you are here, and the work that you are called to do, will only be fulfilled through the Holy Spirit’s influence in your daily life. Each day, this day, must not be just another ordinary day of work, eat, and sleep. Make a difference–-make an impact on someone today through the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The Spirit Is In You: Receive The Promise
Friday, July 12, 2024
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law...that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
— Galatians 3:13a, 14b
Christ died on the cross, became a curse on the cross, redeemed us from the curse, so that we could do more than just die and go to heaven. It was so that we could receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Until Christ died, was buried, and was raised, we could not receive the Spirit. We were all sinners and fell short of the glory of God. But the sinner died with Christ, was buried with Christ, and the new man rose with Christ. This new man was created to be the house of God, the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16). You, as the new man, were made righteous and holy (Eph. 4:24) so you could receive the Spirit through faith. You were not born again just to receive the Spirit and go to heaven, but to receive the Spirit and change the earth for the glory of God! Jesus prayed "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done." His will, will only be done by the power of the Spirit in and upon a human being. Whenever you allow the Spirit to flow through you and impact the world, His Kingdom has come with power. Get to know the Spirit of God, allow Him to change your thoughts into God-thoughts and your ways into His ways through the Word of God. You have been redeemed from the curse in order to receive the greatest blessing ever given to man-–the Holy Ghost!
The Spirit Is In You: The Spirit and The Glory
Thursday, July 11, 2024
And the Redeemer shall come to Zion....As for me, this is my spirit that is upon thee...
— Isaiah 59:20, 21
The Redeemer has come to Zion! He has turned you from sin and removed the old sin nature. He has now made a new covenant with mankind. What is that covenant? ...take them to heaven? No! “...put My Word in your mouth and My Spirit upon you”! You have all you need to live in health, wealth, victory, peace, joy, and godliness in this present world! He has sent His Word and His Spirit as His part of the covenant. Now, you must put faith in that Word and in the Spirit He has given you. There will be, before we all get out of here, a generation who takes that Word and yields to His Spirit to manifest the glory of God in the earth. Sickness will bow, devils will flee, depression will be destroyed, and God’s Kingdom will advance. A remnant of people will arise and shine because the light is come! The glory will arise upon these people even though the rest of the world is in gross darkness (60:1, 2). This glory will arise upon them because the Spirit will arise upon them. People will come out of darkness into the presence and power of God. This people are now preparing and learning to cooperate with the Spirit of God. You can also be a part of this covenant and this generation. Choose to get to know the Holy Spirit and get to a place where He is allowed to flow and move. Arise! Shine! Because the Spirit of the Lord is come!
The Spirit Is In You: His Desire Is For You
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them....And I will dwell among [My people].
— Exodus 25:8; 29:45
Do you desire to get to know God and live in His presence? Paul desired to know Him and the power of His resurrection (Phil. 3:10a)! After you get born again there is a strong desire in you to be with God, to feel His presence, and to have the assurance of a relationship with Him. We come together in church to sing and praise and worship Him, and He inhabits the praises of His people (Ps. 22:3). The entire Body ushers in His tangible presence and glory, and people are refreshed and renewed in the Spirit! But notice, according to these Scriptures, not only do you desire to be in His presence and have intimate fellowship with Him–-but He desires to live and dwell among you! God declares "Make me a sanctuary, so I can dwell, settle down, take up residence, among my people." This desire, this longing, for a close relationship is a two-way street. God is not hiding from you, trying to avoid you, but has a deep desire to be with you. In the Old Testament, He told them to make Him a place where He could be among them, but in the New Testament, He has made you His sanctuary! Never see God as a far-off, distant God, but One Who is ever present with you. God also has a desire–-to live in your presence–-to dwell among and in you!