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Times of Refreshing: This is the Refreshing
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Isaiah 28:11, 12 "For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear."
Jesus desires to give you rest for your soul, to give you times of refreshing in your life. With our daily activities and the busy-ness of our schedules, rest and refreshing become a must in our lives for us to stay in the Spirit. Isaiah prophesied this rest, this refreshing. One way to stay on fire, to stay in revival, to escape from weariness and a heavy-laden soul is with stammering lips and another tongue. Speaking or praying in tongues is a powerful way of living in rest and refreshing in your daily life. Most are filled with the Spirit, and have the sign of praying in tongues, but very few take the time to use the gift God gave them. If rest and refreshing come through praying in tongues, then a lack of praying in tongues will cause weariness and heavy-laden souls. This is the rest, this is the refreshing, this is a way God speaks to His people. But they would not hear. In other words, they would not practice it. The result? They live their life in a state of weariness. But you do not have to be like them! There is a rest, there is a refreshing, there is a way to have times (more than one) of refreshing from the presence of the Lord! If you are Spirit-filled but do not speak in tongues, ask and receive it from the Holy Spirit. He desires that you have it! Why? Because it is the rest, it is the refreshing, that keeps your life alive and the fire lit!
Times of Refreshing: The Stress-Reliever
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Mark 16:17 "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;"
One of the signs of a believer is that they will speak with new tongues. Isaiah called it stammering lips and another tongue. Either way, there is a sign of a Spirit-filled believer: they shall speak with new tongues. God knows what mankind would need to get victory and to keep it. He sent Jesus to the cross so that you could obtain eternal life, to receive everlasting revival. God also knew that in this world, your soul would come under attack through weariness and busy-ness. So, along with the ability to heal the sick, to cast out devils, to take up serpents, He gave us the ability to speak in new tongues. He gave us a way of resting, a way of refreshing, a way of supernaturally conversing with God. You cannot spend too much time praying in the Holy Ghost. You can pray anywhere, any time, out loud or under your breath. It will refresh your soul and it will give you rest. The believer has a great advantage over the rest of the world. They have no way to relieve stress and weariness; pressure continues to weigh heavily on their souls. But we have a different lifestyle, a life with the opportunity for times of refreshing. It is up to you to live weary or refreshed, to live in turmoil or rest. Use the means that God gave to bring you refreshing. Take advantage of praying in tongues so you can win the war of the soul.
Faith Grows: How to Grow Your Faith
Monday, October 21, 2024
...Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.
— Acts 6:8
Stephen was a man, a deacon in the church, but something separated him from the other Christians. He was full of faith and power. Since Stephen was full of faith, we can determine that Stephen was full of the Word, because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). The results of him being full of faith were that he did -- notice, not God did, but he did--great wonders and miracles among the people. Why did he do wonders and miracles? Because God chose him to do them? Because God decided to use him in wonders and miracles? Because Stephen was specially called by God? No! Because he was full of faith and power! Every born-again believer has the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). Every believer has the opportunity to allow their measure to grow and increase. You decide how much Word you hear and how much Word you act on. The same spiritual position of being full of faith is available to you. You, too, can be a person full of faith and power. You, too, can be a person who does great wonders and miracles among the people. There is a need for miracles in the world today. Sickness, disease, fear, and demons are running loose. God needs people full of faith and power like never before in the earth today. Will you be a Stephen? Will you be full of faith and power? Will you do great wonders and miracles?
Faith Grows: The Law of Faith
Friday, October 18, 2024
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
— Romans 3:27
The Word declares that we are saved by grace through faith–-not of ourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). Salvation was a free gift, but it had to be received through faith. Faith is a spiritual law. When put into operation, it will manifest the things freely given to you through the Cross in your life. Faith is a spiritual law! It will work when it is put to work. Gravity is a natural law. It is a law that is in operation all the time. If you jump off the top of a 10-story building, the law of gravity will work. You can claim that it is not working, you can believe it is not working, but if you jump, you will soon find out that it is working! Just because you do not believe in gravity does not stop it from working. People say they have “tried” faith. They say this faith stuff does not work. But faith is a spiritual law, and it works all the time. Just like the law of faith brought you salvation by grace, it will bring all the other promises into your life! Whether you feel like it is working, whether you see it working or not, it is working! Do not change your confession because you do not see instant results. Do not use faith just to try to receive something material from God. The just shall live by faith. Think, live, and talk faith all day, every day, and you will see results. The law of faith is in operation for you today!
Faith Grows: Faith in the Promises
Thursday, October 17, 2024
And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
— Romans 4:19, 20
This verse talks about Abraham’s relationship with God. Abraham was strong in faith, and this gave glory to God. All Christians want to give glory to God, and the way to do it is by being strong in faith! Here is a choice for you to make: live your life strong in faith or live it weak in faith. What will make the difference in how you live? --it depends on what you consider. Abraham had strong natural evidence for not having a child: he was 100 years old, and his wife was barren. There was no possible way for him to have a son without supernatural intervention. God gave him a word, a promise, in order to give him a chance to move beyond the natural impossibility into the supernatural ability of God. It takes the Word of God-–the promises of God–-to move into the realm of miracles. Abraham did not consider his age. He did not consider his wife. He refused to stagger at the promise in unbelief because of this. He was strong in faith. What are you strong in today: “He meets my needs” or “what shall I eat”? Are you strong in symptoms and the doctor’s report, or strong in “by His stripes I am healed”? Are you strong in “This is going to be a bad day,” or “this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it”? What are you considering today? What are you thinking on today? Find yourself a promise and stop living in unbelief. Become strong in faith, in health, in wealth, in peace, in joy, in love, and let your life give glory to God. Consider the Word!